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Died Kelimesiyle İngilizce En Güzel Kelimeler

died, died kelimesi, died kelimesiyle cümle, died kelimesiyle örnek cümle, died kelimesiyle 20 örnek cümle, kelimelerle örnek cümleler, died kelimesiyle örnek cümle nedir

Sevgili takipçilerimiz, sizlere ilkokul öğrencilerimiz için kelimelerle örnek cümleler hazırlayarak onların gelişiminde katkıda bulunarak eğitim hayatlarında daha fazla adapte olmalarını sağlamaya çalışacağız. İlkokul dönemlerinde kelimelerle kurulan cümleler öğrencilerin gelişiminde, okumalarında, kelime haznelerinde büyük verim ve katkı sağlamaktadır. Verilen kelimeyle kurulan, kurulmaya çalışılan cümleler öğrencilerin kişisel gelişimiyle birlikte hafızalarını güçlendirecektir. Bizlerde sizlere bu konuda destek olmaya çalışacağız.

Died Kelimesiyle İngilizce En Güzel Kelimeler Nelerdir

Died Kelimesiyle İngilizce En Güzel Kelimeler

  • Dunstable died in London on Dec. 24, 1453.
  • He died in 1874, heavily encumbered by debt.
  • The statue was erected as a memorial to those who died in the war.
  • Her mother died of breast cancer.
  • Five soldiers died after their bus was ambushed on a country road.
  • She sold the house soon after her husband died.
  • No one could console her when Peter died.
  • The memorial to those who had died in the war was unveiled in 1948 by the Queen.
  • He died in hospital after being knocked down by a car.
  • With painful clarity she remembered the day he had died.
  • She died in the hospital petted by all her nurses.
  • He died from multiple stab wounds to the neck and upper body.
  • Over 500 people died during last year’s flu epidemic. 
  • He had his wife die two years ago.
  • I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.
  • Man will die sooner or later.
  • Many children die of starvation in Africa.

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