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Keen On Kelimesiyle İngilizce En Güzel Cümleler

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Sevgili takipçilerimiz, sizlere ilkokul öğrencilerimiz için kelimelerle örnek cümleler hazırlayarak onların gelişiminde katkıda bulunarak eğitim hayatlarında daha fazla adapte olmalarını sağlamaya çalışacağız. İlkokul dönemlerinde kelimelerle kurulan cümleler öğrencilerin gelişiminde, okumalarında, kelime haznelerinde büyük verim ve katkı sağlamaktadır. Verilen kelimeyle kurulan, kurulmaya çalışılan cümleler öğrencilerin kişisel gelişimiyle birlikte hafızalarını güçlendirecektir. Bizlerde sizlere bu konuda destek olmaya çalışacağız

Keen On Kelimesiyle İngilizce En Güzel Cümleler Nelerdir

Keen On Kelimesiyle İngilizce En Güzel Cümleler

  • But I was not keen on the idea.
  • Keen on publishing tech? Read on.
  • She was none too keen on the idea.
  • It is always difficult with compilations, stuff you love and stuff you are less keen on.
  • Our five year old wasn’t so keen on the pools as he couldn’t stand up in either of them.
  • I was never interested in attending a British university, as I wasn’t too keen on the way in which the courses worked.
  • This place might not be a democracy but the people are very keen on the Basic Law and the entitlements it does embody.
  • Meeting up with Mike it’s clear he’s not keen on the start lap, so I suit up and see that the start is pointed uphill.
  • Eddy I could ask how come someone so keen on the scientific method feels the need to follow a superstition once a week.
  • Although keen on books, he had not planned a career as a book reviewer and literary editor, and it took some time before he took on the role permanently.
  • He is keen on playing basketball.
  • They are keen on swimming
  • She is keen on her like
  • James is keen on rock music

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