Anasayfa » EĞİTİM » The Benefits of Reading Books İle İlgili İngilizce Slogan Örnekleri

The Benefits of Reading Books İle İlgili İngilizce Slogan Örnekleri

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Sevgili takipçilerimiz, sizlere okuldaki öğrencilerimiz için ingilizce slogan örnekleri hazırladık. Öğretmenlerimizin ödev olarak istediği bazı konuların slogan örneklerin ingilizce hallerini sizlerle paylaşarak sizlere yardımcı olacağız. Türkçe’de ”Kitap Okumanın Faydaları’ olarak bildiğimiz slogan örneğinin ingilizce halini sizlere aktaracağız.

The Benefits of Reading Books İle İlgili İngilizce Slogan Örnekleri Nelerdir

The Benefits of Reading Books İle İlgili İngilizce Slogan Örnekleri

  • The book is the medicine of the mind
  • Books are friends who never cheat
  • The value of a person is determined by the books he reads
  • A child growing up without a book is like a thirsty tree
  • To live without books is to live blind, deaf, dumb
  • The love of books is the most beautiful of loves
  • People die, books don’t die
  • The basis of the structure of civilization is the book
  • Books should also be chosen well, like friends
  • The book is a friend who teaches reason
  • There is a lot of benefit to reading books, there is no harm!
  • Everyone would be happy to read a book..
  • Let’s buy books, let’s take advantage of books!
  • Let the books improve us, and inform everyone!
  • A book is a journey, don’t stop, take a book in your hand!
  • Books are the world, books are treasures, books are knowledge..
  • Books are always comrades, always friends! 

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