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Aberration Kelimesiyle İngilizce En Güzel Cümleler

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Sevgili takipçilerimiz, sizlere ilkokul öğrencilerimiz için kelimelerle örnek cümleler hazırlayarak onların gelişiminde katkıda bulunarak eğitim hayatlarında daha fazla adapte olmalarını sağlamaya çalışacağız. İlkokul dönemlerinde kelimelerle kurulan cümleler öğrencilerin gelişiminde, okumalarında, kelime haznelerinde büyük verim ve katkı sağlamaktadır. Verilen kelimeyle kurulan, kurulmaya çalışılan cümleler öğrencilerin kişisel gelişimiyle birlikte hafızalarını güçlendirecektir. Bizlerde sizlere bu konuda destek olmaya çalışacağız.

Aberration Kelimesiyle İngilizce En Güzel Cümleler Nelerdir

Aberration Kelimesiyle İngilizce En Güzel Cümleler

  • The presence of cancer cells under a microscope is an aberration that no doctor wants to see.
  • I knew there was a logical reason to explain the aberration in the treasury account.
  • Walking to work instead of driving is a huge aberration for my lazy husband.
  • Philosophy and religion Locke and the sense of sight Locke’s philistinism was by no means an aberration.
  • Of or related to optical systems that correct the spherical aberration.
  • This method applies the theory of vector aberration, which helps designers analyze third-order aberrations for optical systems with off-center and off-center surfaces.
  • The result shows the wavefront aberration obtained from the subjective visual compensation measurement method smaller than the objective measurement, which is the result of adaptive correction.
  • In this work, the influence of benzamide on the frequency of micronucleated cells and the chromosomal aberration in the root cells of the Vicia faba root were evaluated.
  • Objective: to investigate the relationships between abortion due to recrudescence and chromosomal aberration.
  • This study that treats vicia faba seeds in the 4NQO aberration, studies its mutagenic effect.
  • It is shown that the long-term implication of the “paradox of the binary star” in the question of aberration is conceptual confusion.
  • It is still debated whether parthenogenesis is an evolutionary aberration or a viable strategy.
  • Opening: composite lens corrected for spherical aberration and coma. Also called Aplanat.
  • No chromatic aberration, more standardized and standardized.

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